Staying Safe When Bad Weather Strikes - Fire and Water Springfield MO

Staying Safe When Bad Weather Strikes – Fire and Water Springfield MO

Warmer temperatures have arrived, and with these rising temps comes thunderstorms. These storms can cause property damage from fire and water in Springfield Missouri, and more importantly, can put your life in danger. Lightning often accompanies strong storms, and the National Weather Service reports 30 individuals, on average, lose their lives each year after being struck by lightning. This information comes from statistics they collected between 2007 and 2016. When a thunderstorm rolls in, people need to take steps to protect themselves. First and foremost, a person needs to find shelter right away. Following are some tips to stay safe during a storm or whenever lightning is seen.

Seek Shelter

People should never remain outside during a storm. Lightning is only one of the many dangers present when bad weather hits. Falling tree limbs, flash flood waters, and more are all dangerous, and people should be in a safe shelter, such as a home. Remaining indoors isn’t enough though. People also need to stay away from any doors and windows and avoid any porches attached to the home. This includes screened-in porches as well as those surrounded by glass.

Use Caution

Electrical items need to be avoided during a storm. This includes computers, televisions, appliances, and other devices. Anything with a cord should be considered dangerous while the storm is ongoing. If a call needs to be made, such as in an emergency, make use of a cordless or mobile phone instead. Nevertheless, if items are plugged in when a storm hits, it is best to leave them until the danger has passed. Don’t attempt to unplug them once the storm has arrived as this can lead to you being struck by lightning or a fire being caused.

Plumbing should not be used during a storm either. This includes the sink in the kitchen or bathroom, and individuals should wait to bathe or shower until after the storm has passed. What many people are unaware of is that lightning may also travel through metal bars or wires present in concrete flooring and walls. Move away from any areas of the home that are made of concrete for this reason.

Don’t Forget Your Pets

Don’t forget companions either. Dogs should never remain outside when it is storming, especially when the dog is chained to a tree. He or she is vulnerable in the event lightning hits.

Practice Safety Outdoors

If an enclosed shelter cannot be found during a thunderstorm, don’t remain in an open field or an elevated area. Likewise, avoid isolated trees, as lightning is naturally attracted to them. Try to find a low spot where you can ride out the storm. People often try to avoid the storm by hiding under a rocky overhang or cliff, but this is also dangerous. Find a low area, such as a valley or under small trees. However, be on the watch for flash flooding and remain prepared to take action if the waters begin to rise and come near.

Certain things conduct electricity, such as wire fences, metal rails and anything that is wet. Do not remain near these items during a storm. In addition, don’t try to seek shelter near bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, or golf carts, and never seek shelter in a body of water, such as a lake or pond.

Visit our site to find more tips on how to protect yourself and your home during storms. In the event a property is damaged during a storm from fire and water, take steps to mitigate the damage. If mold remediation and/or floodwater damage repair becomes necessary, contact PuroClean Certified Restoration right away. Doing so helps to keep losses to a minimum.