Enjoy Candles Safely To Avoid Fire Damage in Springfield Missouri

Candles help create a warm atmosphere in the home and are often used to mark special events. But as pretty as candles are, it’s vital to remember they are also potential fire hazards. Around 10,000 residential fires are caused each … Continued

Outdoor Party Safety Tips To Prevent Fire Damage in Springfield Missouri

These days, more people are moving their entertaining outdoors as socializing in the fresh air has less health concerns. As the weather begins to turn cooler in the evenings, there are often fire pits, patio heaters and other warming devices … Continued

Frequently Asked Questions About Fire Restoration in Springfield Missouri

Restoring your home after a house fire can be a frightening and confusing process. There’s so much to do, that most people don’t know where to begin. A mistake in the beginning can lead to significant trouble down the road, … Continued

Regularly Test Smoke Alarms To Avoid Fire And Water Damage in Springfield Missouri

Smoke alarms are needed in every home to help prevent injuries and deaths from fires. However, just having one installed isn’t sufficient. They need to be tested regularly to ensure they are working properly. Smoke detectors should be tested once … Continued