Important Tips For Fire Clean Up in Springfield Missouri

Important Tips For Fire Clean Up in Springfield Missouri

Once the fire has been put out, and the fire department has left, your house is likely going to look like a disaster. It’s crucial to know what to do and just as important, what not to do. Follow these helpful tips for fire clean up in Springfield Missouri to make sure you’re taking the right steps to minimize further damage and start restoring your property.

Contact Your Insurance Agency Quickly

Right after a house fire, one of the first calls to make is to your insurance company. Talk with them about what to do to restore the property and the deductible amount as well as what the company will cover. They can provide information on ways to secure your home and recommend fire restoration companies to use. They’ll also provide other recommendations like how to document the losses and determine what was impacted during the fire.

Only Enter the Home if Safe to Do So

Depending on the amount of fire damage, it may not be safe to reenter the building unless the fire department or local building officials have cleared it. There could be compromised structural components, electrical damages, or other safety issues along with carcinogens inside the building even after the fire is put out. It’s better to avoid going inside unless necessary. It’s also not advisable to turn anything back on until you have been advised that it’s safe to avoid the fire breaking out again.

Secure the Property

If the fire damage is severe, it may be necessary to leave the property until the fire clean up is completed. If this is needed, your home needs to be as secure as possible. You can also let the police know the property will not be occupied so they can help protect it. Board up the home if possible and seek out local relief services to find somewhere else to stay if needed.

Protect Any Pets

Keep an eye on any pets that were in the home during the fire and seek veterinary care if they show any signs of injury or may have been impacted by the smoke. They may be more prone to biting or scratching in the days after the fire because of the fear of what happened, so be gentle when handling them. Keep them away from any fire-damaged items for their safety.

Hire a Professional Fire Damage Restoration Company

Some of the items within the home can start being permanently stained or damaged within minutes, even if the fire did not reach them, and further damage is possible the longer it is before fire clean up can begin. To minimize damage, contact a professional fire damage restoration company immediately. They can help start cleaning up the property and save as much as possible to minimize your losses.

If you’ve experienced a house fire, all of the steps you take afterward can impact how quickly your property can be restored and how fast you can move on with your life. If you ever need help with fire damage restoration, call the pros at PuroClean Certified Restoration in Springfield, Missouri. You can count on them to do the job right.