Preventing Winter Water Damage in Springfield Missouri

Preventing Winter Water Damage in Springfield Missouri

Winter can be a fun time of year with holiday celebrations and outdoor activities like sledding or building a snowman. But all that snow and cold temperatures can create problems with the potential for significant winter water leaks to your home.

As temperatures stay below freezing for extended periods of time, issues like frozen pipes, ice dams, and roof leaks become more prevalent, posing a threat to your home and family.

Understanding how to prevent these winter water leaks and recognizing when to call in the water remediation experts are crucial steps in safeguarding your home during the cold season.

The Risks of Winter Water Damage

The most common issues with winter water leaks are frozen pipes that burst, ice dams in gutters, and leaks from snow melting on roofs. Each of these situations can cause substantial water damage to the structure and interior of your home, leading to costly repairs and potential health hazards like mold growth.

Preventing Frozen Pipes

Pipes freezing and bursting are one of the primary causes of water damage in the winter. To prevent this, it’s important to keep your home adequately heated and insulate your water pipes. Epecially those in unheated areas like basements, attics, and garages.

Letting faucets drip slightly during extremely cold weather and keeping the cabinet doors open under your bathroom and kitchen sinks can also prevent pressure build-up in the pipes due to freezing water.

Tackling Ice Dams in Gutters

Ice dams occur when the heat from your home causes snow on the roof to melt, and the water refreezes at the edge of your roof, forming an ice dam that prevents proper drainage through gutters.

To prevent ice dams, ensure that your attic is well insulated and ventilated so that the roof temperature remains consistent, reducing the chances of uneven snow melting and refreezing.

Preventing Roof Leaks from Snow Melt

The risk of roof leaks increases as snow accumulates and melts, potentially seeping through shingles and underlayment during the freeze/thaw cycle. To mitigate this risk, remove snow from your roof using a roof rake or hire professionals for snow removal.

Also, inspect your roof for damaged shingles or inadequate sealing before winter and make any necessary repairs.

When To Call The Winter Water Damage Remediation Experts

Despite taking preventive measures, winter water leaks can still occur. If this happens, it’s crucial to call in the winter water damage remediation experts at PuroClean Certified Restoration.

Our water remediation professionals have the necessary tools and expertise to efficiently handle water damage, prevent mold growth, and restore your home to its pre-damage condition.

Attempting to address significant winter water damage on your own can lead to incomplete drying and hidden issues, resulting in long-term structural damage and health risks.

Winter water leaks pose a significant threat to homes, but with proper preventive measures, most issues can be avoided. Ensuring your pipes are well insulated, your attic is properly ventilated, and your roof is in good condition are key steps in preventing winter water damage.

But if you’re faced with winter water leaks, contact the water damage remediation experts at PuroClean Certified Restoration to ensure a comprehensive and safe restoration of your home.

Stay vigilant this winter and protect your home from the potentially devastating effects of water damage.

If you ever have to deal with winter water damage in your home, don’t hesitate to call the professionals at PuroClean Certified Restoration. We will get to the bottom of the problem and will make sure that any repair work is done right.