Cleaning Up Office Building Flood Damage in Springfield Missouri

Cleaning Up Office Building Flood Damage in Springfield Missouri

Building owners and property managers understand the huge impacts that flood damage can have on an office building. The tenants in their offices can have significant amounts of flood damage due to loss of equipment, furniture, data, and income for the time the office isn’t usable. The amount of time it takes to fully restore an office building after flood damage occurs can have a huge impact on the company’s finances.

The Costs of Flood Damage Restoration in Office Buildings

It’s important to understand just how costly the flood damage restoration can be and how it will impact the company. Office buildings with significant flooding need to have the water extracted, need to be properly cleaned, and need to be renovated to remove anything destroyed by the water.

Your insurance company may help cover these services, but if flood damage is not covered, the property owner will need to cover the expenses on their own.

Financial concerns are not the only costs to consider. Flood damage can cause mold growth, which impacts the air quality inside the building. This can have a negative impact on the well-being of those who work in the office.

Reduced air quality due to mold can cause a higher potential for respiratory issues, which will lead to more people being out sick and negatively impact the finances of the tenants further and creates a liability for the building owner.

How to Prevent Flood Damage in Commercial Offices

Prevention is key in avoiding costly flood damage. Start preparing before any disaster strikes. Flood damage can come from a number of different places, from a leaky roof to a busted water main, so make sure your building is inspected regularly. This will help prevent leaks and other related issues that can cause significant water damage.

Monitoring strong storms can help prevent significant damage, as well. No matter where your office building is located, being warned in the event of floods can help minimize the damage done. Flooding can be caused by heavy rains, melting snow, or plumbing failures inside the building.

Property managers should be aware that most insurance policies will not cover flooding from heavy rains. FEMA sells separate flooding insurance that needs to be purchased. Since water damage restoration can be so expensive, both financially and time-wise, it is important to make sure your insurance policies are adequate and will cover any potential water damage to the property.

Though additional insurance expenses may seem costly, it’s considerably less expensive compared to the cost of restoring the property after it is damaged by a flood. Make sure a professional handles your annual inspections to look for leaks or other signs that can help predict water damage. Leak detection can be done with a humidity monitor or spot sensors, helping spot leaks before significant amounts of damage occur.

Make sure your office building is regularly maintained to keep it in excellent condition. Your property manager should create a maintenance schedule based on preventative measures and do inspections regularly to look for signs of wear and tear. Pay attention to your flat roof. With less slope, it’s more likely to leak. Have it recoated every five years to help prevent leaks.

Flooding can cause a significant amount of damage to commercial office buildings and restoration can take time. Prevention is the best way to avoid these costs. If you do ever experience flood damage in an office building, call the professionals at PuroClean Certified Restoration to do the water damage restoration job right.