Fireplace Safety Tips To Avoid Smoke Damage in Springfield Missouri

There’s nothing like a crackling fire on a chilly evening to make your house feel warm and cozy. But if you accidentally fill your house up with smoke, there could be lingering odors that are difficult to remove from carpets … Continued

Microwave Safety Tips to Avoid Fire Damage in Springfield Missouri

Microwaves are a convenient way to heat food quickly and just about every home has one these days. Just push a few buttons and you can have a hot and fresh bag of popcorn or reheat leftovers in minutes. But … Continued

Frayed Electrical Cords Can Cause Fire and Smoke Damage in Springfield Missouri

Most people probably don’t give much thought to all of the electrical cords attached to the phone chargers and appliances throughout their home, but all of these electric cords contain live wires that are wrapped in insulation. If one of … Continued

Dishwasher Safety Tips To Prevent Fire and Water Damage in Springfield Missouri

If you’ve ever worried about your dishwasher causing damage to your home, you probably had concerns about it leaking. Water damage from a faulty dishwasher is a common problem. But did you know that your dishwasher could be a potential … Continued

Halloween Safety Tips To Prevent Fire Damage in Springfield Missouri

Halloween is a fun holiday for both kids and grown ups, but you need to celebrate safely to prevent any accidents that can occur. Each year, there’s an average of 10,000 fires reported around Halloween that cause 30 deaths, 125 … Continued

Stove Safety Tips To Prevent Damage From Smoke and Fire in Springfield Missouri

The kitchen is where most house fires start, thanks to the inherent dangers of flames, high heat and cooking. However, by taking the proper precautions, you can cook dinner for your family safely and prevent fires from using your stove … Continued

Plan Ahead To Prevent Fire and Smoke Damage in Springfield Missouri

Every year there are more than 350,000 structure fires in the United States, resulting in thousands of injuries and deaths and billions of dollars each year in property damage. The best way to protect your family from a house fire … Continued

Clothes Dryer Safety Tips To Prevent Fire Damage in Springfield Missouri

Laundry is part of our weekly routines, and while some people still hang their clothes outside to dry, most of us dry our clothes in a clothes dryer. Many people are already aware of the dangers of house fires from … Continued

Removing Clothing Smells After Smoke Damage in Springfield Missouri

Immediate action is crucial after a house fire to try to minimize the fire and smoke damage to your home and its contents. When it comes to items that are sensitive like textiles, speed is especially of the essence. Replacing … Continued

Smoke Detectors Prevent Fire Damage in Springfield Missouri

Smoke detectors play a crucial role in keeping your family safe if there is a house fire and preventing significant smoke and fire damage. Unfortunately, smoke detectors occasionally go off when there’s not actually a fire. It is best to … Continued